• 奉獻 - 歡迎您來「撒種」!


  • 個人支票

    支票抬頭請寫: ROLCCIB
    附註: 常費/建堂/宣教/慈惠基金
    45 Nagog Park, Acton, MA 01720

    ** 請註明您的姓名、住址、電話,波士頓生命河靈糧堂將會把奉獻收據郵寄給您,可用為抵稅證明

  • Personal Check

    Please make checks payable to: ROLCCIB
    Memo: General/Building/Mission/Samaritan Fund
    Mail to Address:
    45 Nagog Park, Acton, MA 01720

    ** Please also specify your name, address and phone number. Donors will receive a receipt from River of Life Christian Church in Boston to claim a deduction on their individual income tax return.

  • 網際網路

    PayPal Giving Fund 是安全、簡單的電子奉獻方式,您可以經由 Paypal 支援的貨幣以及信用卡來奉獻。

    ** Paypal將會直接把奉獻收據以電子郵件寄給您,請留下用為抵稅證明

  • Online

    PayPal Giving Fund is a secure, simple electronic payment method that you can donate by Paypal supported currency as well as credit cards.

    ** Paypal will send you a receipt via e-mail, please leave it to claim a deduction on your individual income tax return.

  • 亞馬遜微笑計劃

    即日起,通過 smile.amazon.com 購物, 您可以支持波士頓生命河靈糧堂的事工。
    當您使用該連結,亞馬遜會將您用 AmazonSmile 所購買物品價格的 0.5% 捐贈到波士頓生命河靈糧堂。

  • AmazonSmile

    Amazon will now donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases when you shop at AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com).

  • 關於我們



  • About ROLCCIB

    Founded in early 2006, ROLCCIB is the first River of Life church to be established in New England. Pastors Jocelyn and Jeff Shu actively train co-workers, establish cell groups, hold marriage and family classes, lead the youth and children's church, and organize various special conferences throughout the year. Every year the church sends out short-term missions teams to Taiwan. The church has also done mission work in Africa, Europe and Southeast Asia.

    In 2010, the Lord blessed ROLCCIB with a 10.1 acre property with a 55,000 square foot commercial office building for less than two-thirds the market price. From September 2014 to October 2015, the church underwent renovations for the creation of a new sanctuary that can accommodate up to 700 people. All praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, for His faithful guidance in the years to come, and for all the miraculous and wonderful experiences.